Bank sinkers are among the most commonly used sinkers in all fishing disciplines using waited rigs. Bank sinkers are common in the world of fishing, as they are very useful and make fishing in certain locations and environments much more manageable. If you are new to using various fishing weights, you may wonder when you should use a bank sinker over other types of sinkers.
You would use a bank sinker in scenarios when other sinkers may become tangled in debris or plants when bottom fishing and when fishing with a sliding weight rig. Bank sinkers are also ideal for fishing from the seashore and riverbanks and for fishing near structures.
Bank sinkers are widely used for fishing in all types of water. These sinkers are very effective, but they are not the only type of sinkers available for anglers. They should only be used when they are the best sinker for the job, but how do you know when to use one? Let’s find out!
When To Use A Bank Sinker
Bank or tear-drop sinkers are the most commonly used sinkers, as they are available in various sizes and weights. All anglers are likely very familiar with them as they can be used in multiple ways and locations. This type is among the most versatile and useful of all sinkers.
The shape of the bank sinker means it sinks quickly and smoothly and can sink into soft sand. The tear-drop shape also allows it to roll in strong currents, but the main advantage of the shape of these sinkers is that they are far less likely than other sinkers to become tangled or snagged while fishing.
These weights are usually used when bottom fishing, but sinkers and rigs tend to get snagged easily when fishing near the waterbed. Using a bank sinker is a way to minimize this risk.
If you are unsure when to use a bank sinker, here are some of the best scenarios for using one, regardless of the type of fishing and fishing locations you prefer.
When Fishing From The Bank Of A River
Let’s begin exploring the best circumstances for using a bank sinker with fishing from the bank of a river.
River banks can be challenging locations to fish, depending on the size of the river and the overall water conditions, but using a bank sinker can make this scenario far more manageable.
These sinkers do not snag easily and are available in various sizes. They are also shaped well to allow water to flow over them, keeping your line more stable in fast-flowing water.
Bank sinkers are ideal for fishing from a river bank. These sinkers can keep your rig at the bottom of the river without getting snagged, keep it at the bottom while keeping it steady, or roll along the bottom in a strong current.
Use various bank sinker weights until you find the right weight for the location, and these sinkers will help you catch more fish in less time when fishing a strong river.
When Fishing From The Sea Shore
Fishing from the seashore can be very challenging. You need a good weight to send the cast out beyond the surf, but you also need a weight less likely to be manipulated by currents and flows.
Using a weight that will not get snagged easily is also important, especially when fishing near structures like rocks or plants.
This is where a bank sinker can be very useful. The sinker can roll around the bottom if you use a light enough variant or keep your line solid and stable.
The shape of the sinker means it will easily sink through flowing water and become lodged in soft sand, which can also benefit when actively fishing for the seashore.
If there are obstacles in the water, the bank sinker will not get snagged and will easily move through rough waters without any trouble. Bank sinkers are designed for fishing in the surf and rough waters, making them ideal for this type of fishing.
When Fishing Around Structures
Among the most useful ways to use a bank sinker is when fishing around structures. If you are fishing from or near a bridge, a dock, pylons, or even a jetty, using a bank sinker is a great way to sink your rig without getting it stuck.
Most sinkers get stuck very easily, but the shape of bank sinkers allows them to easily move between objects and in and out of small spaces.
If you are concerned that your rig may get stuck, or if it gets stuck often while fishing in specific locations such as near structures, switching to a bank sinker is an excellent way to solve the problem.
When Bottom Fishing
We now arrive at the best use for a bank sinker. If you are bottom fishing, using a bank sinker is ideal. Bank sinkers move in the water, are ideal for sliding rigs, and do not get tangled or caught up easily.
These weights are also ideal for keeping a rig at or near the waterbed. Many weight options are available for bank sinkers, meaning you can easily use them with any bottom fishing rig, regardless of the bait you use and the water you are fishing.
Bottom fishing requires good sinkers to do well, and bank sinkers are among the favorites of all bottom anglers. These weights are ideally suited for bottom fishing, making the process far more straightforward and effective.
Use the correct bank sinker in your bottom fishing rig, and you are sure to have success.
When Using A Sliding Weight Rig
Another good use for a bank weight is setting up a sliding weight rig.
Sliding weight rigs can be used in various ways to suspend bait, lures, and hooks at multiple locations in the water and have proven to be very effective for fishing.
Bank sinkers are great for sliding weight rigs because:
- They sink quickly
- They can stay upright in the water if they sink into the sand
- Water moves around them easily
- They have a hoop at the tail of the tear-drop that keeps the weight placement correct in the rig
- They can roll in strong currents, helping improve the presentation of the rig
These weights are perfect for sliding weight rigs, make using these rigs far easier overall, and can improve their effectiveness.
When Fishing Areas That Tangle Rigs
We have established that bank sinkers are unlikely to get tangled like other sinkers. This means you should use a bank sinker when fishing in areas with a lot of vegetation, seaweed, or other underwater obstructions that cause other sinkers to get stuck.
Even if a bank sinker does get stuck, it is very easy to retrieve. The shape of the bank sinker causes it to pull out of troublesome areas and obstructions very easily.
If you find yourself in an area of fish where your rig may get tangled, switch to a bank sinker before you cast, and you will surely experience fewer tangles and much less frustration.
Fishing with bank sinkers is a joy. These sinkers are excellent in many situations, but it is good to know when to use them and when to use sinkers of other varieties. Bank sinkers are highly versatile and very useful, but it is crucial to remember that they are best used in specific circumstances.
Experiment with using bank sinkers for yourself. You will quickly find that these sinkers are useful and can get you out of a jam when no other sinker will.
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