Spinning Reel Size Chart – Choose The Best Size Reel For Your Purpose

For many anglers, fishing using a spinning reel is the most popular method. Spinning reels are easier to cast than baitcasting reels. Light line applications and finesse techniques are better suited to spinners.

Choosing the right spinning reel for your needs can be difficult if you aren’t familiar with how a spinning reel works and the sizes used to describe reel performance.  There are eight main parts to a spinning reel.

The reel foot, reel body, anti-reverse switch, bail, line spool and spool release and drag adjuster. Spinners should use aluminium housings because they are strong and graphite as it is light and flexible. Reels should have a sturdy construction and few parts. In addition, they should also be light-weighted. 

When choosing a reel, consider how much you’ll use it. Fatigue is an issue because of the amount of work needed to pull in the line. Choosing the size can be daunting but it’s as easy as determining what kind of line you plan to use most often.


Lighter lines require smaller reels than heavier ones do. A ten-pound test line should always be used when using a spinning reel. Saltwater and heavy trolling situations require different kinds of lines.

To make sure that the reel is suitable for your fishing needs, check the reel’s line capacity information. This will tell you how many pounds of the line the reel can handle before breaking.  Before we look at the size, let’s look at the makeup of the spinning reel. 

Reel, Gear Ratio

Fishing reels come in all different sizes. Make sure your reel fits the line you plan to use most often. Spinning reels rotate a bail around a spool. Gear ratios refer to how many times the bail rotates per one turn of the handle. Slow speeds mean more line picked up per turn of the handle.

High speeds mean less line picked up per turn. You can only use one type of spinning reel. Medium speed models are recommended. If you can afford more than 1 reel, add a high-speed and a low-speed reel.

Line recovery is measured in inches. A high-speed reel allows you to recover longer lines while a low-speed reel helps you recover shorter ones. 

Drag System 

Spinning reels have different drags depending on whether they are front or rear. Drag washers are located on the front of the spool. Rear-drag reels are more convenient because they allow fishermen to control the amount of line being let out by moving the handlebar.

However, these reels require more effort to use than front-drag reels. Sealed drags are a new technology that eliminates the need for lubrication. This means that there is no maintenance required, and you won’t have to worry about losing any oil or grease.

Seals also help protect the internal components of the reel, ensuring long-term performance. Spinning reels reign supreme in light-line applications and fine fishing techniques.

Spinning reels are usually referred to as egg beaters because of their characteristic whipping motion. Eggbeaters are great for casting because they don’t need to spin. You just pinch the line to keep the spool tight and time your release to let the line fly off the spool.

Then, when you flick the ball back, the line is engaged, allowing you to retrieve the lure. 

Spinning reels feature adjustable drags and free-spool settings that allow you to engage the line quickly without having to fight the fish. Reel brands include names such as Shimano, Penn or Daiwa.

Most reels also have model numbers that indicate the type of drag, size of the reel, and other characteristics. Reels are usually made up of 2000 or more yards of line. Sometimes they are made up of less than 1000 yards of line.

Ball Bearings 

Spinning reels should have more than four ball bearings. Smooth performance is important when fishing. You shouldn’t scrimp on this part of the reel. Mag spools are wide and flat, allowing for longer casts and smoother retrieves.

Spinning reels play an important role in fishing, not only for holding lines but also for casting distances and smoothness. Most mag spools are either anodized or graphite. Graphite is lighter than aluminium and offers better rigidity under pressure.

Long Cast Spools are designed to allow more lines to be used without tangling up the reels. This type of spool is also known as a long cast spool.Mag-Spool technology was developed to give anglers more control over the distance of their casts.

This new technology makes your retrieve easier and reduces line twisting. It also eliminates the possibility of line tangling. 

Mag Spool technology is available on many reels currently on the market. These features prevent the handle from spinning backwards so that hook sets are strong and accurate.

Reels should have a large size and a firm grip. Spinning reels are easier to use than baitcasting reels because they do not require the angler to hold onto the rod while casting.

Spinning Reel Size Chart


Saltwater reels are generally larger than those used for freshwater fishing. Saltwater reels need more line capacity because of the length of runs made by big fish. It’s crucial you identify which size you need before purchasing your reel.

Spinning reels can be a little confusing when you’re looking at the numbers. The first number represents the diameter of the spool, and the second number represents how many turns of line it holds.

So, if your reel says 10, then it means that it holds 10 yards of line (or 10 meters). And if your reel says 25, then it means that you hold 25 yards of line (or 25 meters). When comparing the sizes of reels, you should ignore the zeros behind the reel size.

For example, if you want to buy a 50-pack of reels, you shouldn’t be concerned about buying a pack of 10 or 100 reels. Just focus on the first two digits of the reel size.


These are small spinning reels that are ideal for lightweight rods in sizes ranging from 6-7 feet. They are best for targetting small species up to about 20 pounds and work best for 2-10 pound mono line, or 4-14 pound braided line. While they are mostly for freshwater fishing, they also work well in protected coastal waters.

1000 (2-4lb) This size is best for:

trout, crappies, bluegills, yellow perch, etc.

2000 (or 20) 4-6 lb best for:

Bass, trout, crappie, bluegill, yellow perch, walleye, northern pike, catfish. 

 2500 (or 25) 5-8 lb best for:

Light fishing in freshwater or estuary, bores & harbour Bass, Walleye, Northpikes, Catfish.

3000 (or 30) 6-10 lb best for:

Light fishing in freshwater and estuary, bores and harbours Bass, Walleye Northern Pike, Catfish..

3500 (6-10 lb) best for: 

Light Fishing in freshwater and estuary bores & harbours Basses, Walleye, Northern Pikes, Catfish.


These are medium-sized spinning reeves ideal for rods in the 6-7 foot range. They are suitable for targeting mid-sized species of fish up to about 20 pounds, and work well with 5-10 lb mono line, or 8-15 lb braided line. They are usually used for lighter freshwater applications, or for offshore saltwater fishing.

4000 (or 40)8-12lb best for:

Medium fishing in freshwater and inshore saltwater catfish, Snook, Muskie, Snapper and Redfish.

4500 (or 45)8-12lb: best for 

 Inshore, freshwater and Saltwater Catfish, Snapper, Muskie, Redfish and Snook.

5000 (or 50)10-14lb: best for:

Inshore, freshwater and saltwater, Catfish, RedfishMuskie, Snapper and Snook. 

5500 (or 55)10-14lb best for:

Saltwater, freshwater and saltwater, Snapper,  Muskie, catfish, Snook and Redfish.


These are heavy sized spinning reels ideal for heavy rods. They are great for targetting large species up to about 100 lb. They work well with 12-60lb mono line or 24-100b braided line. They are ideal for catching large saltwater fish. 

6000 (or 60) 12-16lbs, best for:

Redfish (red drum)Salmon, Striped Bass,  Snook, and more.

7000 – 7500 (or 70) 14-18lbs, best for:

Offshore and inshore, Snook, Redfish, Salmon and Striped Bass. 

Wahoo, Roosterfish and Dorado are fish species that can be caught in many different sizes. They can be found in both inshore and offshore waters. Some of them are available year-round, while others are seasonal. Striped bass, salmon, snook and redfish are also popular choices.

8000 – 8500(or 80) 16-20lbs, best for:

Inshore and offshore, Wahoo, Dorado, Amberjack, Barracuda

9000 – 9500 (or 85) 18-22 lbs, best for:

Medium offshore and inshore, Ambetjack, Dorado, Barracuda, Rooster Fish 

These fish can be caught by medium size boats. Medium-sized boats can catch wahoo, roosterfish, dorado and amberjack. Bigger boats can catch barracuda, but smaller ones should avoid catching these fish because they are very aggressive. A wahoo weighs about 20 pounds or 9 kilograms.

The average size of this type of fish is 28 pounds or 13 kilograms and the medium sized reels will catch them without issue.

 The same is true of tuna. There are three different types of tuna: yellowfin, bigeye, and skipjack. Yellowfin tuna is the largest type of tuna, weighing up to 900 pounds. Bigeye tuna weighs about 400 pounds, while skipjack tuna weighs around 150 pounds.

A medium-sized tuna fish is about 50 pounds, and a heavy tuna fish is 80 pounds or more; It’s useful to bear in mind the szie of fish you want to catch when choosing spinning reel sizes. 

Extra-Large Reels 

Extra large reels are used for specific fishing. Typical reel weights vary from 20 pounds up to 50 pounds. These reels are designed for offshore fishing. Anglers who fish in saltwater tend to use them because of the versatility of the lines.

However, most people who use them say that they are too heavy for recreational fishing. A reel that holds up to 30 pounds of the line is ideal for catching big fish.

However, these reels are difficult to control when you’re out in the open ocean so may take some time to get used to when using them for the first time. 

Mackerel fishermen enjoy this type of fishing because it is easy to catch fish such as Tuna and Snapper, and shark anglers also use an extra-large reel.  

Only experienced anglers should use this type of reel as it can be hard to control,  but for the experienced fishermen who like a challenge and who want to go out to sea, this is a great choice. These reels tend to be fairly durable but be sure to look after them and replace anything that breaks.

Big tuna, giant mackerel, sharks up to 6′ long, along with kingfish and snapper, etc., are all target species for these size reels.  This reel is designed exclusively for heavy saltwater fishing.

If you’re looking for the largest game fish on earth, this reel is the one you’ll be using attached to a heavy and rigid rod that can withstand hours of fighting with big tuna or sailfish, fun huh?

Spinning Reel

 Matching The Spinning Reel With The Rod 

Spinning reels come in various sizes, but most of them are designed to work with specific lines. You should choose a spinning reel based on its size and what type of line you usually use. Most spinning reels have two numbers listed just above the handle.

These include the length (in inches) of the rod, and the recommended strength of line that the company suggests using with it. 

For example, if the rod lists a line strength of 6 – 10 pounds, this means they recommend you use it with a 6 to ten-pound test line. You can then use our reel sizes to choose a spinning reel to match the same line strength, or you could buy a different type of fishing rod altogether.

Rods designed for 6-10lb lines paired with reels designed for 3000spi reels are suitable for most anglers. However, if you’re using a heavier line or a smaller spooled reel, your rod may need to be longer than normal.

When choosing a rod, consider your needs as well as what kind of fishing you want to do. You may prefer a short rod if you plan on using it for trolling or jigging. A longer rod gives you more power, but it might be too difficult to handle.

A 5–7′ rod is great for fishing in shallow water. An 8+’ rod is perfect for deep water fishing. Most anglers agree that a 7′ fishing pole is a good choice.

Which Fishing Reel?

As you well know the reels are used to hold the line when casting out bait or lure. There are many different types of reels available, each designed for certain purposes. You need to consider how much money you want to spend on a reel before making your purchase.

As well as varying sizes, fishing reels also come in difrrenr shapes. You should consider the size of the fish you plan to catch before choosing the type of reel you need. 

Reels also differ by how many lines they hold. A smaller reel holds less line than a larger one. When buying a fishing reel, you should first consider the style and function of the reel.

Then, you should think about whether you prefer a more traditional looking reel or something sleeker and modern. Finally, you should consider the warranty length of the reel and any other accessories included.

Baitcasting Reels 

As mentioned earlier, baitcasting reels are designed specifically to cast baits. Round profiles allow you to palm them during casting and retrieve. This is ideal for bass, barramundis, and big breams.

Trolling is also an option. Baitcasting comes with adjustable braking systems allowing the angler to adjust the spool’s rotation. To prevent backlash, adjusting the spool’s rotation requires thumbing the spool.

Learning how to thumb a spool allows you to better control the spool’s rotation while fishing. You should buy baitcasting reels if you are new to fishing. 

Overhead Reels 

An overhead reel is used for trolling. It sits on top of the pole instead of being attached to it. This allows you to drop baits underneath your boat. You can also use this type of reel for jigging. Overhead reels are designed to be used with light to medium line weights.

They are also designed to be used with heavier lines when you want to use them for casting. The baitcasters are smaller than most other types of reel and they are easy to handle.

So, there we have it, a guide to spinning reel sizes. Happy fishing! 

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